DSR opened Training Centre

29 November 2016

The main objective of the establishment of the training centre is to ensure that managers of manufacturing companies  gain the latest technical knowledge on the operation of systems and IT software. The development of competence and there use has led to higher return of investment in IT technologies and provide even better use of their opportunities.  

„Commenting on the Training Centre We want to raise the competence of employees who start working with the system or are changing the scope of their responsibilities regarding the use of IT solutions serviced by DSR. Participating in training will enable employees  to quickly implement more  effective work practice and help avoid unnecessary mistakes. ” – says Paweł Daszkiewicz, Service Realization Director.

Training will be conducted periodically as open courses (with the possibility of sending a single employee) or closed courses (only the employees of one company- minimum of 4 persons) .

Benefits for participants:

  • Unique knowledge passed on during training facilitates the proper operations of production and avoid  unnecessary costly mistakes .
  • Faster implementation of the employees to work efficiently or in new responsibilities through properly prepared training topics.
  • A small amount of open training groups ( up to 6 people) allows for efficient use of time.
  • Individual participants access to the workstation provides greater flexibility and facilitates  independent operation with practical exercises which enables much faster learning and greater durability of knowledge.  
  • High quality training with using the most  current knowledge n various fields and areas of IT support for business is guaranteed by competent consultants in DSR.

List of trainings available in Training Centre this year.


1 The process of selling B2B using a  portal integrated with QAD- an overview of the functionality and methods of operations DSR B2B 1
2 DSR Data Bus Connector  – administration of ESB system and its components DSR Data Bus Connector 1
3 DSR Data Bus Connector – connectors programming in Python DSR Data Bus Connector 1
4 Functionality of finance and accounting module in  QAD EE QAD Bundle EA EE 3
5 New functionality of   QAD EE from version  QAD 2012 EE in finance area QAD Bundle EA EE 1
6 New functionality of QAD EE from version  QAD 2014 EE in the area of distribution (purchases and sales) QAD Bundle EA EE 1
7 Functional differences in the distribution area between   QAD SE and QAD EE 2015 QAD Bundle EA EE 1
8 Administration system QAD EE – technical training QAD Bundle EA SE/EE 5
9 Price lists and sales in QAD QAD Bundle EA SE/EE 1
10 Functionality of QAD system- depending on the data, flow of information and the resulting consequences in operational processes QAD Bundle EA SE/EE 2
11 Fundamentals of programming in Progress 4 GL   QAD Bundle EA SE/EE 5
12 The process of selling in QAD – an overview of functionality and methods of operations QAD Bundle EA SE/EE 2
13 Creating reports from QRF QAD Bundle EA SE/EE 2
14 The process of preparing production in QAD utilising the  Configurator module-an overview of functionality and methods of operations QAD Configurator EE 2
15 Warehousing management module using QAD Warehousing module- an overview of functionality and methods of operations QAD Warehousing 2
16 Standard MMOG/LE- applications criteria of MMOG/LE in processes and applications   2

More info:

Grzegorz Pawłowski , tel. 734 478 889, email: grzegorz.pawlowski@dsr.com.pl