Production registration (SFC)

SFC 4FACTORY: production registration for Industry 4.0

Using made by DSR unique SFC 4FACTORY system it is possible to record precise measurement of the employee and machines performance on production line. Safe and scalabe Microsot Azure cloud-based solution, without high investments give the possibility to inprve business results in production companies on the way to Industry 4.0.

Description of solution

The SFC 4FACTORY system can be compared to other MES applications, i.e. supervising the execution of a production order or a project. The orders are subject to monitoring from the start of operation until the closure. The system collects information on a variety of KPI indicators, including OEE in order to allow the whole process to proceed correctly. All collected information is stored in the database for later reporting. Data collected in the system give information about the progress of work on the individual orders, work efficiency of people, machines and equipment for a given order.

The main functionality of SFC 4FACTORY :

  • reporting production – flexible and fast process of reporting the progress of production orders .
  • automate data collection from production machines – systems allow reading the appropriate signals from machines, regarding their statutes ( work, breakdown, stop) and the volume of production and completed cycles.
  • data analysis – automatic or semi-automatic data collection in SFC system allow to control processes for production in real time during the running of production orders.

The system is offered in a browser, providing the flexibility to use it on any mobile device used in the company. The application is adapted to a wide range of hardware platforms ranging from standard PCs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, laptops, touch panels and specialised data collection devices.

– In the new version of SFC 4FACTORY the main emphasis was to modernis the system architecture. It has been designed so that users are not forced to use predefined hardware – emphasises Piotr Rojek, CEO – the software uses Microsoft Azure platform and is possible to run them through a standard web browser.

The software has also gained a new graphic user interface designed for possible use of touch panels and various screen sizes and equipment used in production plant or office.

What are the main benefits from using SFC 4FACTORY system:

  • Easy and direct access to information about production in real time
  • Full identification and validation of collected data
  • Analysis of the production process by using reports
  • Full identification and validation of collected data
  • Effective management of unexpected events – identification of process bottlenecks
  • Better efficiency and effectiveness of resources management
  • Increase in machine productivity
  • Intuitive and user friendly interface

See also: