Business consulting

The traditional „market producer” is subject to continuous transformation towards the “consumer market”. An increasing impact on the final form of the product is the customer. Therefore, the production becomes more and more small-scale, serial controlled and  unique. As a result, production planning is an area of the company, where managers must focus their attention. The situation is evolving and competition is constantly intensifying. This is another important reason to enforce precise production management. Managers are increasingly asking about the possibility of automation control of production schedule and optimisation of the resources. Especially companies, where ERP operates, are looking for specialised software that will automatically build a production schedule, taking into account available resources and constraints: the planned production capacity, production capacity, load, inventory levels, time for retooling or planned repairs. Managers expect that good production planning will contribute to the objectives of the strategy of the company with regards to the rational management of resources.

DSR offers the implementation of Siemens Opcenter APS (d. Preactor)/FCS, advanced production planning system in two ways.
The first method ensures the reduction of the workload planning process. Just the inventory of available resources/ limitation and rules apply, while DSR consultants to know how to automate scheduling. Automation of work translates into better efficiency of the planning process.
The second method is to optimise the production. Achieving such an advantage requires a precise answer to the question “What is the optimal production plan?” what is better,100% utilisation of production capacity and the withholding of some capacity to allow for increased flexibility for customers who are willing to pay for this ability?  

DSR company has a methodology and competence to develop a specification corresponding to the question “What is the optimal production plan?”.