Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

We have experience in the implementation of APS Siemens Opcenter APS (d. Preactor) in companies from the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.

A major implementation by DSR is a project at Sonoco’s facility in Łódź. This is a company that produces Gillette products.  The plant employs about 1,500 people with dozen of production lines and any schedule changes are controlled in Siemens Opcenter APS (d. Preactor) APS. The system collect information from suppliers, customers and their own ERP systems, providing proper shift schedules. With this technology, Sonoco is able to realize express orders “on demand”, in terms of 48 hours, or even 24h from their adoption.

Across the world Siemens Opcenter APS (d. Preactor) APS has over 3500 deployments. A Brazilian factory of Procter&Gamble, which was the first to implement APS Siemens Opcenter APS (d. Preactor), was rated as the most prosperous unit to deal with the planning and scheduling of production across the companies divisions. The result of implementation was reduction of inventory, production simulation capabilities and projections of future stocks under different marketing campaigns.